Friday, June 6, 2008

English Lesson Plans: "Two Kinds"

Objective:The objective of this lesson was for students to try and come to an understanding of why they are forced to do things at time that they don't want to do. 

Materials:The only materials that the students need were their textbooks and a piece of paper.
Activity:First the students were to read aloud from page 99 to page 101. Then the students were to describe the characters mother based on what they had just read. After that the students were to create a list of things that they are forced to do when they don't want to do it. We had a group discussion on whether on not they think that in the long run the things that they are forced to do will come in handy.

Student outcome: I believe that even though at times it did get noisy that the students understood what the lesson was about.

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