Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Service learning

Right now my school is working on service learning projects. We are in the process of picking groups of people ( from 10- 15 people). After we get the groups together we are to figure out what we will be working on. It is not exactly sure how many hours we have to serve

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pictures from my topic for N.H.D.

The Men of the Mason sign.
The Order of the Eastern Star sign

Another picture of the Order of the Eastern Star sign
The women at the bottom of this picture represent what the O.E.S sign stands for.
This is a picture of Prince Hall( the founder of the Men of the Mason)

The Stress Factor is Over

Paper everywhere, scissor. Glue, rough draft after rough draft, and finally it all stops. Teachers and especially students rejoice when they here those five words: National History Day is Over! What seemed like an eternity of work for a five-minute documentary, or a one thousand five hundred-word essay, and lets not forget an exhibit board is over. Two months of dedication, blood, sweat, and arguments all for one “ special” day National History Day. A day where everything has to be perfect, or we’ll blame it on someone else.
Every student (well almost every student) who actually came to school today is in red white and blue and is sitting in a class room waiting for their turned to be tested on their knowledge on their project. What will happen, who will win, no one knows it’s all up to the judges to decide. Pick a topic any topic, you name it we just might have it. The Constitution, The World Trade Center, Abortion, Yellow Fever, or even Tattoos’. Get background information, you know primary and secondary sources. Write your thesis and then pick how your going to present your topic. And lets not forget convincing your history teacher that your topic connects to this year’s theme.

All of that hard works comes down to this. Your sitting in your classroom and the phone wrongs, you get a little nervous, and then an announcement is made “Due to the weather conditions students will be let out at 11:40. On one hand you’re happy, but on the other hand you’re mad because the only reason that you came to school was because of N.H.D. Then the teacher finishes the announcement, “ I guess N.H.D. will be continued on Monday”. You are free to go.

N.H.D reflection

N.H.D this year was just as stressful as it was last year. Even though I had one other person in the group with me this year instead of last year when I had two partners. I must admit that it was more stressful then last year because of the simple fact that Ms. Klose had more people that she had to help then last year. Although I got my project done just in the knick of time I found it quit difficult to get my board together because of the shortness of supplies. In the beginning
it was plenty of glue and scissors but as the weeks went past the supplies started to disappear making it difficult to get things done. I am glad that N.H.D is finally over, and now I don't have to worry about interviews, papers, designing a board, or getting things printed out.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bloom's Taxonomy Q/A

1) What happened when Bigger left the pool- hall after he cut the middle of the pool- table?
A= After Bigger left the pool-hall he went home to get ready for his job interview the next day.

2) Can you write in your own words how you think Bigger felt when he pulled up in front of Jan?
A= I think that when Bigger pulled up in front of Jan he was in total Aw, and didn't know what to expect. 

3)What questions would you ask of Mary if you had a chance to meet her?
A= If I could ask Mary a question I would ask: What effect on your life made you want to become a communist.

4) What do you see as another possible outcome for Jan?
A= I believe that Jan will come out and say that him and Mary were dating, and I also that he will tell the police that he left Mary with Bigger.

5) How many ways can you see this book ending?
A= I could se this book ending in many different ways, but the main way I see this book ending  is Bigger going to jail.I think that Bigger will end up in jail because he was the last person to have seen Mary alive and the father and mother don't know about Jan. But then again I also think that Jan will come out and confess that him and Mary had something going on, and he might become a suspect in the case. 

6) What do you think about the book so far?
A= Native Son is a good book (so I was told), but I find it hard trying to keep up , not because of the language but because I don't really like it.